New SW Youth Advisory Panel

The Swim England South West Region is looking for a keen group of six to eight young volunteers between the ages of 15-20 who are prepared to speak out about key issues or ideas they might have about their sport, volunteering or their club. The key purpose of this panel is to bring together young people from different aquatic disciplines and backgrounds to provide a youth voice for the South West Region.

Members of the panel will meet at least once a quarter, be able to share their ideas in both group and private environments and actively take part in projects which support the region including the development of the regional young volunteer programme.

The regional panel will be supported by members of the Swim England National Youth Advisory Panel and Regional Staff.

Why join the panel?

  • Develop communication and presentation skills
  • Learn to work in a small team environment and get your ideas across clearly
  • Meet like-minded people from different aquatic disciplines
  • Play a key role in shaping the actions of the region
  • Lead the youth voice for the Swim England South West Region.

Who are we looking for?

  • Young people who are between 15-20 years old
  • Young people who are involved in Swimming, Diving, Water polo, Artistic swimming, Open water, Para swimming or a non-swimming volunteer.
  • Young people who are actively involved in the sport as a participant, teacher, coach, official or volunteer.

Click here to read more.

Click here for the application form. 

Posted by Swim England South West on March 30th 2021

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